From a very early age I have always had questions about why I was here? What was the purpose of life? Why did I process and see things from many perspectives all at once?

Despite having these questions, I set them aside and went through the motions of living life.

Thirty years ago, I discovered I could no longer deny those questions or who I was. I set out on a journey of self-discovery.

I was blessed along the way to meet some very wonderful people who gave me great insight and guidance. I also met others that made me stop and question life and if I really was on the right path.

What I discovered is there is no wrong path, only lessons we gain on our journey. Some lessons come easy to us and others we struggle with. I am still learning and growing.

As to the purpose of life, I have come to understand it as we all have gifts and talents we can use to help others and be of service.

True life meaning comes from the joy of using your gifts to the best of your ability to be of service to others.

Service takes many forms and sometimes we fail to see our gifts have true value to others. It is coming to that point of contentment and understanding that we are all on this magical journey.

What we do to bring joy, peace, understanding and compassion to this world is part of our individual gifts and paths.

I hope through my writings, spiritual mediumship and life coaching gifts I can help one person move forward on their personal journey.

I learn from each person I meet. I am so very thankful for all the people who have entered my life. I hope you enjoy taking this journey with me.

With much love and blessings,
Pamela Low

Pamela currently lives in the Austin, Texas area with her husband Tom, her two grand-daughters and her two dogs Charlie and Baxter.

She has dedicated her life to helping others through her spiritual work. She continues her lifelong passion for learning and sharing her spiritual journey through here writing.

You can contact her at