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Dear Pam,

Affirming good health and well being for you and your family every day. Thank you for sharing your spiritual, healing wisdom in your published book. Daily I enjoy the affirmation for the day!

God bless you, Pam.




    We all have times in our lives when we feel challenged.  It seems like things are coming at us from so many different directions and we need an anchor to keep us going.  January 1, 2015 was a significant date for me.  Not only was it the new year but the day before I had my second surgery to remove suspicious cells in my right breast.  The previous surgery had revealed a small amount of DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ).  My life had been imploding on me over the past month after the discovery of the DCIS.  I had been in grad school and was writing my dissertation and looking for an internship.  I could no longer afford to continue to go to school so I had to make the decision to leave after almost 8 years of study.  I had developed a major allergy to the hormone blocking medication they put me on, and I was fighting severe suicidal intentions.  I needed to do something to move me forward.  I realized that as many were making New Year’s resolutions, the only thing I could resolve was to a make each day a good one.

    The affirmations I began to write daily on January 1, 2015 became my anchor.  Procrastination had long been one of my major faults, so I set a goal of writing one affirmation a day and making it public for a year.  I figured if I could do something every day for a year, I could work through just about anything I was handed.  As I began to heal and move forward in life, I found others were also finding some healing in what I was putting out there.  This is the collection of the first year.  I continue to post a new one each day on Facebook and I continue my own healing journey.    Life is always going to bring us challenges and we will always have something to work on as we move through life.

    The book is designed so that you can start at any point with any affirmation and begin your healing journey.  Some of the affirmations will help you through some situations and you may return to them often.  Others will not resonate with what you are dealing with at the time.  Use what you need, when you need it.  It is my hope that as I continue to heal, others will also find the healing benefits of the affirmations that I have been given during my meditations.

Happy New Day!

A Few Samples from Happy New Day!

Day 1 of a year of affirmations

This is a new day–notice I did not say a new year. Each day we have the opportunity to create something good and beautiful in our lives. The key is making room for that creation by releasing those things of the past that keep us from taking that leap forward into something new. It could be grief, anger, fear, resentment long held or negative programing from others. So today begin by releasing what you do not need in your life.

Affirmation: Today I release (fill in the blank) to God. I am opening new pathways in my life to create good, beauty and prosperity in my life and the lives of those around me.


Day 152 of a year of affirmations

What can you let go of that you no longer need?  What can you let go of that you think you might still need one of these days but you just keep shifting from place to place?  Too often we get caught up in the idea behind things and hold on long after the need for those things has passed.  Release is good and necessary.  It allows the flow of new energy into your life, it sends a message to that you are letting go to allow room to receive something greater, and better into your life.  We hold on to things, to people, to emotions, to thoughts that do not serve the new path we are on.  We keep thinking if we just take this stuff with us, if we drag this person with us even if it is not their path then they too will see that point of enlightenment we are reaching for.  But it doesn’t work that way.  Sometimes you must let go to get to the next step on the journey.   Sometimes you must release to receive.  Trust in the power of letting go knowing that when you do let go, you then let God bring something special into your life.  You cannot control another person; you can only control yourself.  You cannot fully receive without fully giving.  Release what no longer serves your highest good and allow the new energies to fill you.

Affirmation:  I let go of things I no longer need.  I am fulfilled in the process of releasing.  I am at peace and allow new blessings to enter my life.  Happy New Day!

Day 66 of a year of affirmations

How do you describe how you feel each day?  Most of us don’t tune into how we are feeling unless we are not feeling all that great.  Then we come up with various ways of describing how we are not feeling great.  The mind is a great healer-and it works in conjunction with whatever else we need to get to feeling our best.  The hard part is shutting off the descriptive phrases that only make us feel less than great when we already feel less than great.  So, no matter the mood or how you are feeling physically find a way to describe how you are feeling in a positive light.  Each day you take one step closer to recognizing how amazing you are.  Let go of the past, let go of not feeling your best all the time and embrace the fabulous you that is there all the time.

Affirmation:  I am better today.  I am fabulous and in total health in all areas of my life.  I move forward each day knowing I have released yesterday and embrace today.  I am fabulous.  Happy New Day!


Day 228 of a year of affirmations

Create your own oasis of peace.  This is your own space to meditate, reflect, create and just be without fear of criticism or judgement.  We all need our own special place to unwind and to rebalance ourselves.  Having your own space and your own time to reflect is essential to not only spiritual growth but mental and physical well-being.  This space should contain things that soothe you, inspire you, and make you feel surrounded by healing supportive energy.  Too often we give to others and we are continually on the go and then we wonder why we feel run down or not as full of energy as we would like.  Do not wait until you hit that point.  Schedule regular times to head to your personal oasis and rejuvenate.  It is not selfish to say I need a time out or to retreat for a bit from the hectic schedules that life hands us.  For some their oasis is an art studio, for others it is a home spa or a meditation room.  Whatever brings you peace and allows you to recharge and renew yourself can become your oasis.  When you have a place that brings you peace, you are better able to create peace around you.  When you have a place that makes you feel love you are better able to create love around you and share that love with others.  When you have a place of healing for yourself, you are then able to heal others.  Be kind and loving to yourself.  You not only deserve it, you need it.

Affirmation:  I give myself time to renew and rejuvenate.  I find peace within so I may create peace without.  I find love within so I may create love without.  I find healing within so I can create healing without.  I am peace, love, health and harmony.  Happy New Day!